Excepcionalmente robusto con el 99.5% de precisión
Los sensores del nivel de combustible capacitivos precisos son el corazón del control efectivo del combustible, permitiendo a los operadores de flotas monitorear el consumo de combustible, el kilometraje en km por litro y los niveles precisos de combustible en cualquier momento. Los sensores capacitivos de OMNICOMM son altamente precisos y confiables, tienen una larga vida útil y no requieren mantenimiento técnico.
99.5% de precisión – para proporcionar datos relevantes precisos
Grado de protección industrial IP69k – para un desempeño confiable incluso en condiciones extremas de humedad, polvo, vibración y en un amplio rango de temperaturas
Más de 1 millón de vehículos equipados en 110 países
Completamente asegurados con una garantía de 5 años: con tasa de reclamaciones de garantía de solo el 0,009% desde 2017
Integración con rastreadores y soluciones de gestión de flotas de los terceros
Dimensiones variables desde 700 a 6.000 mm. Fácilmente ajustable para tanques de la mayoría de los tamaños
Cientos de compañías lo usan con confianza para controlar el combustible y reducir los
Omnicomm LLS 5
OMNICOMM LLS 5 utiliza la exclusiva tecnología Fuelscan® de OMNICOMM para garantizar una precisión sin precedentes del 99,5 % en todas las condiciones. Usando mediciones de una sonda interna adicional en el sensor para comparar las características del combustible llenado con el combustible utilizado para la calibración y calcular las mediciones en consecuencia, este sensor establece un nuevo estándar de la industria y es dos veces más preciso que los sensores de nivel de combustible capacitivos regulares.
Rigidez dieléctrica de aislamiento galvánico, min, V
Temperatura de funcionamiento, C
- 60 ... +85
Rango de medición de temperatura, C
- 40 ... + 80
Resolución, bit
Rango de salida de lecturas correspondientes al valor máximo del nivel medido
Rango de salida de lecturas correspondientes al valor mínimo del nivel medido
Omnicomm LLS-EX 5
OMNICOMM LLS-Ex 5 es la versión a prueba de explosiones de OMNICOMM LLS 5, que utiliza la tecnología de ajuste automático Fuelscan® de OMNICOMM para garantizar una precisión sin precedentes del 99,5 % en todas las condiciones. OMNICOMM LLS-Ex 5 está diseñado para usarse en equipos que operan en áreas potencialmente peligrosas. Se puede instalar en tanques de combustible móviles y estacionarios y almacenamientos de hasta 6 metros de altura.
Rigidez dieléctrica de aislamiento galvánico, min, V
Temperatura de funcionamiento, C
- 60 ... +85
Rango de medición de temperatura, C
- 40 ... + 80
Resolución, bit
Rango de salida de lecturas correspondientes al valor máximo del nivel medido
Rango de salida de lecturas correspondientes al valor mínimo del nivel medido
Omnicomm LLS 4
Con una precisión y confiabilidad sin precedentes, este sensor es extremadamente resistente, con mayor protección integral, incluso contra la humedad y las interferencias electrostáticas, electromagnéticas y conducidas. El cabezal del sensor está especialmente diseñado para mejorar la resistencia a los golpes, mientras que su tamaño compacto facilita la instalación incluso en unidades con ubicación muy cercana al tanque de combustible.
Rigidez dieléctrica de aislamiento galvánico, min, V
Temperatura de funcionamiento, C
- 60 ... +85
Rango de medición de temperatura, C
- 40 ... + 80
Resolución, bit
Rango de salida de lecturas correspondientes al valor máximo del nivel medido
Rango de salida de lecturas correspondientes al valor mínimo del nivel medido
Omnicomm LLS-AF 4
Utilizado con terminales que aún no admiten la conexión del sensor digital LLS 4, este sensor tiene salidas analógicas y de frecuencia modulada protegidas por aislamiento galvánico y funciona independientemente en todo el rango de voltaje de la fuente de alimentación. Un especial "modo para condiciones de carretera difíciles" proporciona un suavizado extra con varios niveles de algoritmos de filtración para un alto rendimiento constante en condiciones de carretera extremas.
Ayudando a las empresas a ahorrar combustible y dinero desde 1998
El proveedor mexicano de servicios para gestión de flotas SMART TRACKER integró los sensores de nivel de combustible DE OMNICOMM con su sistema. Ahorró $50,000 al mes y redujo los costos de combustible en un 30% para solo un cliente.
El proveedor mexicano de servicios para gestión de flotas SMART TRACKER integró los sensores de nivel de combustible DE OMNICOMM con su sistema. Ahorró $50,000 al mes y redujo los costos de combustible en un 30% para solo un cliente.
¿Listo para ahorrar dinero en combustible?
Calcule los ahorros potenciales hoy y obtenga una cotización personalizada de nuestro especialista
1+ millón de vehículos equipados con nuestros sensores del nivel de combustible
110 países donde se venden productos OMNICOMM
3,000+ socios atendiendo a clientes satisfechos en todo el mundo
¿Interesado en más información? Póngase en contacto
Privacy policy
OMNICOMM, located at A-A Tiimanni 1, Narva 21004, Estonia and its affiliates (collectively, "OMNICOMM") respect your privacy. This Global Privacy Policy describes the types of personal data provided by a data subject (OMNICOMM employees, employees of external companies, such as OMNICOMM partners, end customers or suppliers, interested partners) (hereinafter, the “Personal Data Subject”), how we use the information, and the choices you can make about our use of the information. We also describe the measures we take to protect the information and how you can contact us with regard to our privacy practices.
We process Personal Data under this Privacy Policy and in accordance with applicable legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) (the “GDPR”) and the applicable national data protection laws in Estonia (“Data Protection Laws”).
Our privacy practices may vary among the countries in which we operate to reflect local practices and legal requirements, whereas we guarantee that the measures we take to protect personal data correspond to the general requirements stipulated by the GDPR.
This Global Privacy Policy provides a general statement of the ways in which OMNICOMM protects your personal data. You may, however, in connection with specific products or services offered by OMNICOMM, be provided with privacy policies or statements that supplement this privacy policy, which is to define the personal data we may collect and the purposes of the collation with regard to products or services you may require. This policy may be changed from time to time to reflect changes in our practices concerning the processing of personal data. The revised policy will be effective immediately upon posting to our website and followed by a notification to the Personal Data Subject with regard to the changes are taking effect.
If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal information, please contact our OMNICOMM OU representative via e-mail or phone: OMNICOMM OU, -A Tiimanni 1, Narva 21004, Estonia, [email protected], +372 3569592 .
You do have the right to lodge a complaint with a Data Protection Authority (“DPA”) if you think that your Personal Data is being processed incorrectly or your Personal Data Subject rights have been violated by us. You can lodge a complaint by contacting the DPA that is local to your jurisdiction i.e. the location of the alleged violation of your Personal Data Subject rights or the inappropriate processing or your data, or the place you live and work.
This is the list of DPAs that are relevant to the scope of this Policy:
This version of the policy is effective as of May 2018
The Sources of Information
Provided that the information is publicly available, given by the Personal Data Subject or the information is legitimately collected by us or third parties OMNICOMM may use to obtain information about you various sources, including:
on our websites
in response to marketing or other communications
through social media
by your signing up for OMNICOMM products or services
through participation in an offer, program or promotion
in connection with an actual or potential business or employment relationship with us.
You may also choose to consent to third parties disclosing information about you to us that those third parties have received.
Information Provided by Data Subjects and How We Use Information
Personal data processing by OMNICOMM is always carried out in a legal and fair manner. OMNICOMM will only process personal data for particular, pre-determined purposes that are or were legitimate with regard to applicable law, and that are relevant to OMNICOMM’s business. You will always know what kind of information you provide to OMNICOMM after you confirm with your consent. The data, which you provide, depends on the services, products and features you use, and can include the following types of data:
· To ensure fulfillment of our contractual obligations to customers and partners:
Email address
Phone number
Company name.
· To ensure the required performance of products and services:
The unique identifier of the device
License information
Network addresses of client devices
Email address
Information about system operation and the environment of the product in case of a failure in the product’s functioning.
Information about the system environment in which the product operates.
De-personalized analytical information provided by analytical services such as Google Analytics, Google AdWords, AppsFlyer, Facebook and others.
· To increase the level of support and to improve the performance and quality of OMNICOMM’s products:
The unique identifier of the device.
Information about system operation and the environment of the product in case of a failure in the product’s functioning.
Information about the system environment in which the product operates.
· To administer promotions or contests, establish contact with the user, as well as to forward notices, requests and information related to the OMNICOMM products and services and the performance of agreements and contracts, and to process user requests and applications, organize promotional events, send marketing emails and special offers and to contact you about other OMNICOMM services or those of our affiliates or other third parties:
License information
Email address
· To evaluate and improve quality in the use of our products, services and websites:
Analytical information provided by analytical services such as Google Analytics, Google AdWords, AppsFlyer, Facebook and others.
Information about system operation and the environment of the product in case of a failure in the product’s functioning.
Information about the system environment in which the product operates.
OMNICOMM will retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data is processed in accordance with the objectives specified in the agreements (consents), or to comply with applicable legal requirements.
International Data Transfers
Based on the explicit consent we may transfer the personal information we obtain from you to recipients in countries other than the country in which the information was originally collected. Those countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information. When we transfer your information to other countries, we will protect that information as described in this Global Privacy Policy or as otherwise disclosed to you at the time the data is collected (e.g. via program specific privacy notice).
OMNICOMM is a global business. To offer our services, we may need to transfer your personal information among several countries, including Estonia, where we are headquartered. We comply with applicable legal requirements providing adequate safeguards for the transfer of personal information to countries outside of the European Economic Area.
OMNICOM shall transfer Personal Data to outside the European Economic Area only if :
OMNICOM has taken protection measures (e.g. binding internal rules of the group or standard data protection clauses);
the Personal Data Subject has given explicit consent for the transmission after OMNICOM informed him/her of the potential risks associated with such transmission resulting from the lack of a protection adequacy decision and the relevant protection measures;
the European Commission approved standard contractual clauses are available here. With the explicit consent of the Data Subject the personal data provided by users to OMNICOMM can be processed in the following countries, including countries outside European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA):
Within the EU or EEA:
The personal data may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or for one of our suppliers.
How We Share Information
We may disclose the Information as follows:
Affiliates. We may share your information with our affiliates — companies that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with OMNICOMM.
Service Providers. We also may share your information with vendors that provide services to us, including companies that provide web analytics, data processing, advertising, e-mail distribution, payment processing, order fulfillment, and other services.
For legal reasons:
o To protect our rights, operations or property, or that of our users.
o To investigate, prevent, or take action regarding potential or suspected illegal activities, fraud, threats to the personal safety of any person, or violations of the Services Terms and Conditions.
o To comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement.
Cookies are files that collect various technical information about a user's computer, browser, and website usage, such as the pages which the user has visited and in which order. OMNICOM uses cookies that are purely of technical nature (e.g. for statistics) and cookies that can identify guest users, facilitate and personalize the sign-up and movement of visitors on the site, and measure and analyze user’s habits. Cookies allow the website to remember information about the Personal Data Subject’s visit, e.g. preferred language and other settings.
When OMNICOM customers are using OMNICOM services, OMNICOM and external service providers and partners may send cookies or similar technology to user’s computer to enhance and develop user’s online experience. However, You can also set your browser settings in such a way that it informs You when you receive a cookie or automatically declines to accept it. Therefore, You can decide for yourself whether You wish to accept cookies or not. At the same time, please be aware that some OMNICOM website features or services may not function properly without cookies.
Your Rights and Options
You have certain rights regarding the personal data we maintain about you. We also offer you certain options about what personal data you provide to us, how we use that information, and how we communicate with you. In most cases you can choose not to provide personal data to us when you use OMNICOMM’s products, services and websites. You may also refrain from submitting information directly to us. However, if you do not provide personal data when requested, you may not be able to benefit from the full range of OMNICOMM products and services and we may not be able to provide you with information about products, services and promotions.
You can at any time tell us not to send you marketing communications by e-mail by clicking on the unsubscribe link within the marketing e-mails you receive from us.
If your employer provides your personal data to OMNICOMM, you may have certain options with respect to OMNICOMM’s use or disclosure of the information. Please contact your employer to learn about and to exercise your options.
To the extent provided by applicable law, you may withdraw any consent you previously provided to us, or object at any time on legitimate grounds, to the processing of your personal data. We will apply your preferences going forward. In some circumstances, withdrawing your consent to OMNICOMM’s use or disclosure of your personal data will mean that you cannot take advantage of certain OMNICOMM products or services.
Subject to applicable law, you may have the right to: obtain confirmation that we hold personal data about you, request access to and receive information about the personal data we maintain about you, receive copies of the personal data we maintain about you, update and correct inaccuracies in your personal data, object to the processing of your personal data, and have the information blocked, anonymized or deleted, as appropriate. The right to access personal data may be limited in some circumstances by the requirements of local law. To exercise these rights, please contact us as set forth below.
If you provide us with any information or material relating to another individual, you should make sure that this sharing with us and our further use as described to you from time to time is in line with applicable laws; thus, for example, you should duly inform that individual about the processing of her/his personal data and obtain her/his consent, as may be necessary under applicable laws.
If we fall short of your expectations in processing your personal data or you wish to make a complaint about our privacy practices, please relate this to us, as it gives us an opportunity to fix the problem. You may contact us by using the contact details provided in the “How to Contact Us” section below. To assist us in responding to your request, please give full details of the issue. We attempt to review and respond to all complaints within a reasonable time.
The Privacy Principles
Personal data processing at OMNICOMM is based on the following principles:
Consent and choice
Presenting to the Personal Data Subject the choice whether or not to allow the processing of their personal data except where the Personal Data Subject cannot freely withhold consent or where applicable law specifically allows the processing of personal data without the natural person’s consent. The Personal Data Subject election must be freely given, specific and made on a knowledgeable basis;
Obtaining the opt-in consent of the Personal Data Subject for processing sensitive Personal Data except where applicable law allows the processing of sensitive personal data without the natural person’s consent;
Informing the Personal Data Subject, before obtaining consent, about their rights under the individual participation and access principle;
Providing the Personal Data Subject, before obtaining consent, with the information indicated by the openness, transparency and notice principle; and
Explaining to the Personal Data Subject the implications of granting or withholding consent.
Purpose legitimacy and specification
OMNICOM can process the personal data for the following purposes:
Execution of an agreement concluded with OMNICOM;
Marketing, direct marketing by profiling and for making sale and promo offers;
Service provisioning (OMNICOMM Online Fleet Management Platform).
Ensuring that the purpose(s) complies with applicable law and relies on a permissible legal basis;
Communicating the purpose(s) to the Personal Data Subject before the information is used for the first time for a new purpose;
Using language for this specification which is both clear and appropriately adapted to the circumstances and nationality; and
If applicable, giving sufficient explanations for the need to process sensitive personal data.
Data processing limitation
Limiting the gathering of personal data to that which is within the bounds of applicable law and strictly necessary for the specified purpose(s).
Deleting and disposing of personal data whenever the purpose for personal data processing has expired, there are no legal requirements to keep the personal data, or whenever it is practical to do so.
Use, retention and disclosure limitation
Limiting the use, retention and disclosure (including transfer) of personal data to that which is necessary in order to fulfil specific, explicit and legitimate purposes;
Limiting the use of personal data to the purposes specified by the Personal Data Controller prior to receiving the data, unless a different purpose is explicitly required by applicable law; o Personal Data Controller means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. OMNICOMM is the Personal Data Controller with regard to the personal data provided by Personal Data Subjects via OMNICOMM’s web-site or during sales & marketing activities.
Retaining personal data only as long as necessary to fulfill the stated purposes, and thereafter securely destroying or anonymizing it; and
Locking (i.e. archiving, securing and exempting the personal data from further processing) any personal data when and for as long as the stated purposes have expired, but where retention is required by applicable laws.
Accuracy and quality
Ensuring that the personal data processed is accurate, complete, up-to-date (unless there is a legitimate basis for keeping outdated data), adequate and relevant for the purpose of use being disclosed to the Personal Data Subject;
Ensuring the reliability as well as legitimacy of personal data provided from a source other than from the Personal Data Subject before it is processed;
Verifying, through appropriate means, the validity and correctness of the claims made by the Personal Data Subject prior to making any changes to the personal data (in order to ensure that the changes are properly authorized), where it is appropriate to do so;
Establishing personal data processing procedures on the internal level to help ensure accuracy and quality; and
Establishing control mechanisms to periodically check the accuracy and quality of personal data processing.
Openness, transparency and notice
Providing the Personal Data Subject with clear and easily accessible information about the Personal Data Controller’s policies;
Establishing procedures and practices with respect to the processing of personal data;
Including in notices the fact that personal data is being processed, the purpose for which this is done, the types of privacy stakeholders to whom the personal data might be disclosed, and the identity of the Personal Data Controller including information on how to contact the Personal Data Controller;
Disclosing the options and means offered by the Personal Data Controller to Personal Data Subject for the purposes of limiting the processing of, and for accessing, correcting and removing their information; and
Giving notice to the Personal Data Subject when major changes in the personal data handling procedures occur and take effect.
Individual participation and access
Giving Personal Data Subject the ability to access and review their personal data, provided their identity is first authenticated with an appropriate level of assurance and such access is not prohibited by applicable law;
Allowing the Personal Data Subject to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the personal data and have it amended, corrected or removed as appropriate and possible in the specific context;
Providing any amendment, correction or removal to personal data processors and third parties to whom personal data had been disclosed, where they are known; and
o Personal Data Processor means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the Personal Data Controller.
Establishing procedures to enable the Personal Data Subject to exercise these rights in a simple, fast and efficient way, which does not entail undue delay or cost.
Information Security: How We Protect Your Privacy
Data security is OMNICOMM’s priority. All data and all information provided by you is confidential by default. OMNICOMM will therefore always apply technical and organizational data security measures for the protection of personal data that are adequate and appropriate, taking into account the concrete risks resulting from the processing of personal data as well as up-to-date security standards and procedures. In order to, among other reasons, identify and fulfill the appropriate level of protection, OMNICOMM classifies processing systems with personal data and implements cascading sets of protective measures.
OMNICOMM also maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect the information against loss, misuse, damage or modification and unauthorized access or disclosure. Some of the other central features of our information security program are:
The Information Security Department, which designs, implements and provides oversight to our information security program;
A determination of personal data safety hazards in the course of processing in a OMNICOMM processing system;
Application of appropriate information security tools;
Performance evaluation of applied personal data security measures before commissioning processing systems;
Implementing controls to identify, authenticate and authorize access to various services or websites;
Discovering the facts surrounding unauthorized access to personal data and adopting corresponding measures;
Recovery of personal data that was modified or destructed;
Establishing access rules to personal data processed in OMNICOMM processing systems and also recording and accounting for all actions undertaken with personal data in these systems;
We restrict access to personal information to OMNICOMM employees and to contractors who need to know the information in order to process it for us and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations. They may be disciplined or their contract terminated if they fail to meet these obligations.
Monitoring of our systems infrastructure to detect weaknesses and potential intrusions;
Monitoring measures taken to ensure the security of personal data;
Providing OMNICOMM personnel with relevant training and continually updating our security practices in light of new risks and developments in technology.
How To Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments about this Global Privacy Policy, OMNICOMM's privacy practices or if you would like us to update information or preferences you provided to us, please please contact us using the contact information provided in the introduction to this Global Privacy Policy or using this link.